
JS and SCSS for colors used in FCOOs web-applications when displaying information in charts, maps, tables etc.


The colors used to display information in charts, maps, tables in FCOO web applications are the Linkedin Color Palettes for Screen. Read more at Linkedin’s homepage

The colors of buttons, menus etc. are defined in Bootstrap and fcoo/jquery-bootstrap

The color system contains of nine colors: 0:Blue, 1:Purple, 2:Red, 3:Orange, 4:Cyan, 5:Yellow, 6:Pink, 7:Green, and 8:Gray Each color comes in nine different gradients: 0-8

A colorList is and array of the nine colors in a specific gradient. Eq. colorList for gradient 2 = ['#68C7EC', '#BFABE6', '#F59890', '#F7B26A', '#69CDCF', '#F7D56B', '#F99ACA', '#AED677', '#B6B9BC']

This packages contains JS and SCSS variables defining the different colors and a default order (window.fcoo.color.defaultOrder = []STRING) of colors to be used to select colors from

 window.fcoo.color.defaultOrder  = ["blue", "red", "green", "yellow", "gray",  "purple", "pink", "cyan", "orange"]

To include the variables and functions in a SCSS-file add

@import "../bower-components/fcoo-colors/src/fcoo-colors-include";


Include chroma.js to adjust colors

** NOTE **

Since version 2.5 the chroma.js code is located in dist/chroma.cjs Current version of grunt-fcoo-grunt-plugin can’t handle *.cjs. Therefore the current version of chroma.js is fixed to 2.4

“Time” colors

Includes scss-variables, css-var, scss-functions and css-classes for colors representing the past, the present (now), and the future.

See src/fcoo-colors.scss for details

FCOO Application Base Color

Includes scss-variables, css-var, scss-functions and css-classes for the basic color for FCOO Web Applications.

By default it is DALO color in “Forsvarsministeriets koncernfælles Designmanual 2018”

See src/fcoo-colors.scss for details

FCOO Environmental Color

To illustrate different “part” of the environment a set of scss-variables, css-var, and css-classes are defined: PART space : #28161C sky : #50B8E7 cloud : #DDE7EE sea : #064273 ice : #BAF2EF snow : #FFFAFA land : #4E341D seabed : #351B04

:root {
    --fcoo-env-PART-color: ...;
.fcoo-env-PART-color     { background-color: var(--fcoo-env-PART-color); }
.fcoo-env-sky-text-color { color           : var(--fcoo-env-PART-color); }

Example: class=”fcoo-env-sea-color”


window.fcoo.setRootVar(id, value)   //Sets :root {--id: value}
window.fcoo.getRootVar(id)          //Gets value form :root {id: value}

window.fcoo.color.setApplicationBaseColor(baseColor) //Sets new value for FCOO Application Base Color    



bower install https://github.com/FCOO/fcoo-colors.git --save




###In SCSS-files @import “../bower-components/fcoo-colors/src/fcoo-colors-include”;

.color-pink {
    background-color: fc-get-color($fc-pink);
.color-blue-3 {
    background-color: fc-get-color($fc-blue, 3);
.color-yellow-8 {
    background-color: fc-get-color($fc-yellow, 8);

In JS-files

window.fcoo.color   //Namespace

window.fcoo.color.defaultGradient   // = 4;
window.fcoo.color.defaultOrder      // = ["blue", "red", "green", "yellow", "gray", "purple", "pink", "cyan", "orange"];

window.fcoo.color.getColor("blue")  //Return "#123456"
window.fcoo.color.getColor(2);      //Same as getColor("green")

window.fcoo.color.getColorRGB("blue")      //Return {red:NUMBER, green:NUMBER, blue:NUMBER, alpha:NUMBER}
window.fcoo.color.getColorRGBArray("blue") //Return [red, green, blue, alpha]

window.fcoo.color.getDeltaColor("blue", 3); //Return "blue" 3 gradiants darker that the default gradiant

window.fcoo.color.getDeltaColorRGB(...)     //As getDeltaColor but returns {red:..., green:..., blue:..., alpha:...}
window.fcoo.color.getDeltaColorRGBArray(..) //As getDeltaColor but returns []

window.fcoo.color.getColorList( sorted, gradient )  //Return the [sorted] list of colors for gradient.

This plugin is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2023 FCOO

Contact information

Niels Holt nho@fcoo.dk